What has happened in the Ukrainian tech market during 3-7 of May 2021?
Available at: TechUkraine
Venture capital and startups:
SpaceTech company Firefly Aerospace, founded by Ukrainian Max Polyakov, raised $75 million just ahead of the launch of the company’s first rocket (in June). The money comes from a group of investors including DADA Holdings, Raven One Ventures, and Canon Ball. Firefly expects to try and raise another $300 million later this year – read
Italian company Avio S.p.A will buy 10 more engines for VEGA rocket made by the Ukrainian Yuzhnoye State Design Office, one of the most well-known and recognized scientific and design companies in the world in the field of space technology development – read
Ukrainian Startup Fund announced 12 winners of 23-24th Pitch Days. Startups that received pre-seed grants ($25000): GeronCore, Supplio.io, Harmix, Horos.TECH (AGRO BI), Erudito, Ademrius, Artera,Auto BI. Seed grants ($50000): effa, Caretech.human, SmartReader, Fiway – read
Ecosystem news:
14 Ukrainian founders of tech companies are among Ukraine’s TOP 100 richest people by Forbes Ukraine: Stepan Chernovetskyi (Megogo) – $470 mln, Vladyslav & Iryna Chechyotkin (Rozetka) — $545 mln, Dmytro Zaporozhets (GitLab) — $450 mln; Alexander Konotopsky, Ajax — $340 mln; Vlad Yatsenko (Revolut) — $300 mln; Max Lytvyn, Alex Shevchenko, Dmytro Lider (Grammarly) — $260 mln each; Oleksandr Kosovan, MacPaw — $235 mln; Oleg Rogynskyy, People.ai — $210 mln; Taras Kytsmey, SoftServe — $190 mln; Kateryna Kostareva, Terrasoft — $190 mln; Mukola Udyansky, Coinsbit — $180 mln; Yaroslav Lyubinets, SoftServe — $145 mln – read
Ukrainian tech giant SoftServe presented the first augmented reality app that recreates a 3D model of a wooden medieval Ukrainian castle Tustan located in the Lviv region, Ukraine – in its former glory in the rocky hillside. The uniqueness of the project is in the detailed and precise reproduction of the wooden structure of the Middle Ages castle – read
Ukrainian Aeroprakt is the global leader of light aircraft manufacturers. Founded in 1991 by aircraft designers Yuriy Yakovlev and Oleg Litovchenko, today the company is a widely-known enterprise and serial production of ultralight aircraft of various modifications. Being the top 3 world-class manufacturers that build light aircraft, the company already constructed more than 1200 projects – read
Via TechUkraine, Bloomberg, DOU