What has happened in the Ukrainian tech market during the second week of summer 2021?
Available at: TechUkraine
Venture capital and startups:
A digital-native technology services provider Grid Dynamics with offices in Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro) has acquired Tacit Knowledge, a Pitney Bowes-owned company, a global consultancy focused on digital commerce – read
The Ukrainian startup memoryOS, an app to improve and train memory in a gamified way, has raised over $350,000 on Kickstarter, backed by 1,593, reaching its initial goal 30 times over – read
Ecosystem news:
Ukrainian WeSoftYou is now a multi-award-winning team as the fastest-growing company in the world by Clutch, a data-driven research platform that is widely respected in the B2B scene – read
The article by KyivPost is about the tech industry that transforms Ukraine, attracting new talent with decent pay: key figures and dynamic – read
UDP developers are moving ahead with three ‘IT cities’ – in Lviv, Kharkiv and Kyiv, said the company vice president, Vitaliy Melnyk. In September, the company will open its 18,000 square meter ‘business campus’ at LvivTech.City. With a total planned buildout of 110,000 square meters, the company plans to start residential construction this fall – read
How Pangram by X-Platform helps to develop creative industry in Ukraine and worldwide – raed
How Kharkiv-based Radmirtech’s products enhancing productivity and keeping people healthy – read
How Kharkiv-based Academy Smart helps Israeli Cloudyn to enhance the code coverage up to 80% – read
How Everscan helps enterprises and cultural heritage to create extremely accurate models for further development – read
Boxes, trucks and bikes by Benedict Evans – read
Via TechUkraine, KyivPost, AIN, UBN