Digital BridgeBuilders

Digital BridgeBuilders vision is to build up a digitization network and cooperation that brings together experts and specialists mainly from Eastern European countries to meet the needs of cooperations mainly SME´s in Germany. New digital business modells, products and services are changing the world. Our approach is to be part of it with in a sustainable partnership.

Market Development Approach by Digital BridgeBuilders.

  1. In the scope: Market development in the area of the IT digitization business industry based on existing and proven products and/or services.
  2. Out of scope: Analysis if or why Germany as a target market for further development should be pursued or not. This decision needs to be made beforehand.
  3. Strategic Decisions and their realization presuppose management attention on board level as well as company ressources for execution.
  4. Dedicated legal questions (e. g. trademark, competition regulation & data law)will need further expert advice.
Joint Targets
  • Evaluation and execution of the TOP 3 Market Approaches based on the specific and unique product or service potentials for the German IT market.
  • Generation of additional revenue and gross profit streams by pushing proven innovative products and services that are of value for the German IT and digitization market.
  • Creation of promising and long-lasting partnerships with German IT and digitization companies or departments of large and medium enterprises, innovative start-ups and investors in this area.

Сurrent events

FORUM “Innovative solutions in a digitalized economy”

To participate in the meeting follow La


Latest news

Tech News
Ukrainian Tech Ambassadors at TechEU Summit 2022

Available at: TechUkraine On Ma


Our Team

Prof. Dr. Ruediger von Rosen

  • 40 years global experience in Organized Capital Markets.
  • Former CEO of Frankfurter Wertpapierb⎞rse/Deutsche B⎞rse AG.
  • 12 years CXO roles in Central Banking (Deutsche Bundesbank).
  • CEO of the Deutsches Aktieninstitut (lobby organisation for listed compagnies in Germany) for more than 15 years.

Dr. Viktoriia von Rosen

  • More than 20 years experience in Academic Lecturing in Corporate Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions.
  • 8 years experience in Banking, Telecommunication and Commerce.
  • 6 years experience in CXO roles in the National Depository of Ukraine.
  • Last years in Frankfurt as Intern. Academic & Business Consultant.

Our partners
